The atomic mass of an element depends upon the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the atoms which make the elements.
A yellow element that stinks when burned is Sulphur.
The complexity and variety of organic molecules is due to the chemical versatility of carbon atoms.
Compounds are substances is true about them.
Mercury is the only metal that is in liqid form at room temperature. Caesium, Gallim and Rubidium are also metals that are in liquid form but at slightly high temperature than the room temperature.
The most malleable metal is Gold.
The two elements that are used to make bronze are tin and lead.
In this chemical reaction chlorine change oxidation number from 0 to -1 (reduction) and bromine change oxidation number from -1 to 0 (oxidation).
Chlorine is stronger oxidation reagent than bromine.
In VIIA or group 17 (halogen elements) there are six elements: fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), astatine (At) and tennessin(Ts).
They have high electronegativity because they have seven valence electrons in their outermost energy level, so they can gain an electron to have the octet rule.
Going down in the group, element are weaker oxidazing reagent and less reactive.
The chemical composition of a rock is mainly minerals.
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