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  • Atomic mass of first 30 elements?

  • Correct Answer
  • Here I give you the first 30 Atomic elements names and their Atomic masses Atomic number Element Atomic mass 1 Hydrogen 1 2 Helium 4 3 Lithium 694 4 Beryllium 901 5 Boron 1081 6 Carbon 1201 7 Nitrogen 1401 8 Oxygen 1599 9 Fluorine 1900 10 Neon 2018 11 Sodium 2299 12 Magnesium 2531 13 Aluminium 2698 14 Silicon 2809 15 Phosphorus 3097 16 Sulphur 3207 17 Chlorine 3545 18 Argon 3995 19 Potassium 3910 20 Calcium 4008 21 Scandium 4496 22 Titanium 4787 23 Vanadium 5094 24 Chromium 24 52 25 Manganese 5494 26 Iron 5585 27 Cobalt 5893 28 Nickel 5869 29 Copper 6355 30 Zinc 6541 

  • Tags: Analyst, Bank Clerk, Bank PO

    Chemistry problems

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    • 1. Rust forms when _____ reacts with chemicals in rocks.

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    • A. Water
    • B. Oxygen
    • C. Nitrogen
    • D. Carbondioxide
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    • 2. Which of the following elements has the lowest electronegativity

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    • A. Bromine
    • B. Fluorine
    • C. Carbon
    • D. Lithium
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    • 3. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?

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    • A. Fructose
    • B. Glucose
    • C. Galactose
    • D. Sucrose
    • Discuss
    • 4. When combining with nonmetallic atoms, metallic atoms generally will

    • Options
    • A. Lose electrons and forms cations
    • B. Gain electrons and forms anions
    • C. Lose electrons and forms anions
    • D. Gain electrons and forms cations
    • Discuss
    • 5. What is the bond order of O 2 ?

    • Options
    • A. 1.5
    • B. 2
    • C. 2.5
    • D. 1
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    • 6. Which one of the following elements is a transition element?

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    • A. H
    • B. As
    • C. Fe
    • D. Sr
    • Discuss
    • 7. Which statement best describes the electronegativity of an element?

    • Options
    • A. Electronegativity of an atom is it's ability to produce energy while losing an electron.
    • B. Electronegativity of an atom is it's ability to attract electrons during bond formation.
    • C. Electronegativity of an atom is it's ability to lose electrons during cation formation.
    • D. Electronegativity of an atom is it's ability to share electrons during a covalent bond formation.
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    • 8. What name is given to the bond between water molecules?

    • Options
    • A. Polar
    • B. Polar covalent
    • C. Hydrogen
    • D. None of the above
    • Discuss
    • 9. Which three components are common to all amino acids?
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    • 10. What important polymer is located in the nucleus?

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    • A. Ribosomes
    • B. Chromosomes
    • C. DNA
    • D. Proteins
    • Discuss


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