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  • Question
  • Which is a characteristic of a Mixture?

  • Options
  • A. a pure substance
  • B. chemically comined
  • C. they can be mixed in some fixed ratio
  • D. it is either homogenous or heterogenous

  • Correct Answer
  • it is either homogenous or heterogenous 


    A mixture is the blending of two or more dissimilar substances.


    Characteristics of a Mixture:

    1. It has No formula.

    2. It is an impure sustance

    3. They can be mixed in any ratio.

    4. The properties of the mixture are the properties of its constituents.

    5. Constituents can e easily seperated by physical methods.
    eg: Heating, Drying, Crystallization, Distillation etc...

    6. It is either homogenous or heterogenous.


    A major characteristic of mixtures is that the materials do not chemically combine. Mixtures can be divided into those that are evenly distributed (homogeneous) and those that aren't (heterogeneous).

  • Tags: AIEEE, Bank Exams, CAT, GATE, Analyst, Bank Clerk, Bank PO

    Chemistry problems

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    • B. It is slowly soluble in water
    • C. It has an odor of rotten egg smell
    • D. All the above
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    • B. 53 g/mol
    • C. 48 g/mol
    • D. 52 g/mol
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    • B. Acid rains
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    • B. gain electrons
    • C. lose electrons
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    • B. Amino acid
    • C. Nucleic acid
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    • B. CF4
    • C. HCl
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    • Options
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    • B. polar, with an asymmetrical distribution of charge
    • C. nonpolar, with an asymmetrical distribution of charge
    • D. polar, with a symmetrical distribution of charge
    • Discuss


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