Tejas is an Indiansingle-seat, single-jet engine,multirole light fighter designed by the Aeronautical Development Agency(ADA) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL) for the Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. It came from the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) programme, which began in the 1980s to replace India's ageing MiG-21 fighters. In 2003, the LCA was officially named "Tejas.
3 is incorrect, as India is not a member of TPP
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS) is an international legal agreement between all the member nations of the World Trade Organization(WTO). It sets down minimum standards for the regulation by national governments of many forms of intellectual property(IP) as applied to nationals of other WTO member nations.TRIPS was negotiated at the end of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994 and is administered by the WTO
Saakshar Bharat scheme was launched on 8th September 2009 during the 11th Five Year Plan, with an aim to raise literacy rate to 80%, to bridge gender gap to 10% .The scheme is anchored with Panchayati Raj Institutions and Local Self-government to decrease regional and social disparities and to focus on women, SCs, STs, minorities and other disadvantaged groups. It focused mainly on adult education, with emphasis on non-literates in the age group of 15-36 years.
Registration for Industrial design is not made. For instance, if Coca Cola is making bottle for soft drink then Pepsi can also make same designed bottles for its own soft drinks.
In Most-favoured-nation countries cannot normally discriminate between their trading partners.
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