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  • Question
  • Find the number of ways in which 21 balls can be distributed among 3 persons such that each person does not receive less than 5 balls.

  • Options
  • A. 28
  • B. 14
  • C. 21
  • D. 7

  • Correct Answer
  • 28 


    Let x, y, z be the number of balls received by the three persons, then


    x ? 5 ,   y ? 5 ,   z ? 5   a n d   x + y + z = 21


    Let  u ? 0 ,   v ? 0 ,   w ? 0   t h e n


    ?  x + y + z =21


    ?  u + 5 + v + 5 + w + 5 = 21


    ?  u + v + w = 6 


    ? Total number of solutions =  C 3 - 1 6 + 3 - 1 = C 2 8 = 28

  • Permutation and Combination problems

    Search Results

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    • Options
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    • B. 63
    • C. 62
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    • Options
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    • C. 192
    • D. 244
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    • Options
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    • 4. A decision committee of 5 members is to be formed out of 4 Actors, 3 Directors and 2 Producers. In how many ways a committee of 2 Actors, 2 Directors and 1 Producer can be formed ?

    • Options
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    • B. 24
    • C. 36
    • D. 32
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    • 5. In how many ways can the letters of the word EDUCATION be rearranged so that the relative position of the vowels and consonants remain the same as in the word EDUCATION?

    • Options
    • A. 4! x 4!
    • B. 5! x 5!
    • C. 4! x 5!
    • D. 3! x 4!
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    • 6. If nC10=nC12 then,find n.

    • Options
    • A. 10
    • B. 12
    • C. 22
    • D. 24
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    • 7. Four ladies A, B, C and D and four gentlemen E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle round a table facing each other. Directions: (1) No two ladies or two gentlemen are sitting side by side. (2) C, who is sitting between G and E is facing D. (3) F is between D and A and is facing G. (4) H is to the right of B. Question: 1. Who are immediate neighbours of B? 2. E is facing whom?

    • Options
    • A. G & H , H
    • B. F & H , B
    • C. E & F , F
    • D. E & H , G
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    • Options
    • A. 131
    • B. 191
    • C. 68
    • D. 3720
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    • Options
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    • B. 56
    • C. 64
    • D. 55
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    • 10. There are 7 non-collinear points. How many triangles can be drawn by joining these points?

    • Options
    • A. 10
    • B. 30
    • C. 35
    • D. 60
    • Discuss


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