(a) satisfies all the conditions of dice formation or constructions.
option (a) and option (d) will be eliminated as we see the figure as the pattern face is adjacent to face C, which cannot be possible. In Option (b) D and E both are adjacent to C, but there direction should be clock wise. Face D on the left side and face E on the right side that can be possible only when pattern face be on the top.
from figure i, ii and iv we conclude that 6, 4, 3 and 1 lie adjacent to 2. Hence 5 be opposite of 2.
For the better understanding take a dice ans apply the same steps which is mentioned above.
as number 6 position is same in both the figures. We can assume that the dice to be rotated so that 6 remains on the same face and 1,3,4 and 5 will be arranged ascending order as all are adjacent to 6. Hence, when 3 is in top, 5 will be at bottam.
Number three is common in both the figures we assume the block in figure (ii) to be rotated so that three appears at the same position as in figure (i) and the numbers 5 and 2 move to the faces hidden behind the numbers 4 and 6 respectively. Thus the combined figure will have 3 on right hand side face, 4 on the front face, 6 on the top face, 5 on the rear face and 2 on the bottom face. Clearly when 2 is at the bottom, then 6 is at the top.
15 × 3 + 13 × 2 + 11 × 1 = 82 cubes
in option (c) 2 and 5 are adjacent to the whiter portion side of the half shaded face, but in the option 2 is attached with the darker side, which cannot be possible.
b and c cannot satisfies the conditions of dice formation, as option (b) B cannot be adjacent to D and in option (c) two white faces cannot be adjacent to each other.
As per the given pattern in question figure , we can find the similar next position of given dice .
The numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6 lie on the faces adjacent to the number 2.
Therefore, the number 5 lies on the face opposite to the number 2.
As per the given pattern in question figure , we can find the similar next position of given dice.
The numbers 1, 3, 4 and 5 are on the adjacent faces of number 6.
Therefore, 2 lies opposite 6.
As per the given pattern in question figure , we can find the similar next position of given dice .
Answer Figure (4) shows the number of dots on its faces like a standard dice.
So, in this dice the difference between the numbers of dots on opposite faces may be 3.
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