In all other figures all the three designs face different directions but in figure (4) two of the three designs face the same direction.
Except figure (3) all other figures consist of three line segments. Figure (3) consists of four line segments.
Except in figure (1), in all other figures there is one type of lining. In figure (1) there are both vertical and horizontal lines.
Except in figure (3) in all other figures there are oblique lines in one of the two squares.
Except in figure (4), in all other figures the outer design encloses two similar designs.
If we proceed clockwise pin head is followed by T-shaped design. So , figure ( 2 ) is correct answer .
In all other figures two different designs partially intersect each other. So , correct answer will be option B .
Except figure (1), all others consist of straight lines and dots and in all others number of dots is one more than number of sides of figure.
The figure (3) is more or less symmetrical figure. So , option C is correct answer .
The figure (3) is different from the other three figures.
The position of semi-circle in figure (3) is different.
Except figure (3), in all other figures the three designs have been shaded differently.
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