All except (c) has enclosed figure.
One element is enclosed figure, rest are one end open.
Only U is vowel,rest are consonant.
Figure (1) is different from the others. But all other figures are different to figure (1) .
The open sides of the outer and middle designs face different directions except in figure (3). But all others are different to figure ( 3 ) .
As we can see that In all other figures, one-fourth part of the design is shaded. In figure (1) only one-third part is shaded.
All other figure can be rotated into each other. The middle element is obtained by rotating the outer element through 90 degree clock wise and the inner element is obtained by rotating the middle element through 90 degree clock wise.
All outer elements having the replica of its present inside of that, except option (c)
Number of turning increases with a sequence.
One arrow is facing towards the centre.
All diameters are intersecting with each other.
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