From first figure to second figure three line segments are added in a set pattern out of them, one is vertical and rest are as per design in option (3).
Figure 3 and 7 are identical.
The inner vertex of both the element turn outwards to form new elements. These elements interchange positions. The pentagon gets enlarged and rotates through 180 degree.
The upper elements rotates 90 degree anti clock wise and gets laterally inverted the symbol on the rhs of the lower element gets laterally inverted and the lower element rotates 90 degree.
The black leaf rotates 135 degree clock wise and white leaf rotates 45 degree clock wise. A new white leaf attached with black leaf at 90 degree.
The complete figure gets rotates through 180 degree and arrow head moves to U ? shaped element.
From first figure to second figure one more similar but inverted figure is added. When we add a circle by inverting itself, one circle will appear.
From first figure to second figure four circles are introduced in the place of four quadrilaterals.
On dividing the semi circle we get two quarter circles. Similarly by separating the triangle, we will get fig. 4.
Four unconnected sides have joined together. Similarly the three broken sides have joined together.
In fig, A trianlge and arrow have come together but not intermingled. Similarly the circle of fig. c and arrow will be together and not intermingle.
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