From first figure to second figure the outer design is deleted and by joining the ends of inner design we get the second figure.
From first figure to second figure the entire design is laterally reversed and the arrowheads are replaced by a larger curve. Therefore, in the second unit the curve would be replaced by three arrow-heads after the design is rotated through 180º.
From first figure to second figure the two smaller designs interchange positions and the half square rotates through 180°.
From first figure to second figure the inner most and the middle designs interchange positions.
From first figure to second figure one more square is added in a set pattern.
From first figure to second figure the shaded triangle is converted into shaded circle and then it is replicated. Similarly, white triangle is converted into two white circles.
From first figure to second figure the four circle located outside the large circle come inside the circle. Therefore, from third figure to the answer figure the four inner line segments would move outside the square.
The second figure is the mirror image of the first figure.
The main design becomes circular and the smaller designs move inside the circle with the addition of one design.
From first figure to second figure one side is deleted from the design and two white circles come out of the main design while a black dot appears inside the main design.
From first figure to second figure both designs inside the circle move in clockwise direction and one design appears in the middle of the two designs.
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