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  • Question
  • Statement
    With the change in value system, money assumed topmost importance now a days, ultimately leading to criminal activities.

    Courses of Action
    I. Social services organisations should make special efforts to propagate the importance of ethical value over money.
    II. Print and electronic media should be advised by the Government to give special emphasis on the importance of ethics and value systems.

  • Options
  • A. If only I follows
  • B. if only II follows
  • C. if neither I nor II follows
  • D. If both I and II follow

  • Correct Answer
  • If both I and II follow 


    Both statements will help in educating people about the value system.

  • Course of Action problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      The world conference of 'Education For All' took place in London recently. Members who attended the conference endorsed the frame work of action for meeting the basis learning needs of all children.

      Courses of Action
      I. India should suitably implement the action point of this conference.
      II. India should also immediately organise this type of conference.

    • Options
    • A. If only I follows
    • B. if only II follows
    • C. if neither I nor II follows
    • D. If both I and II follow
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      The State Government has decided to declare 'Kala Azar' as a notifiable disease under the Epidemics act, 1978. Family members or neighbours of the patient are liable to be punished in case they do not inform the state authorities.

      Courses of Action
      I. Efforts should be made to effectively implement the act.
      II. The cases of punishment should be propagated through mass media, so that more people may become aware of the stern action.

    • Options
    • A. If only I follows
    • B. if only II follows
    • C. if neither I nor II follows
    • D. If both I and II follow
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      The world will have to feed more than a billion people in the next century, of whom half will be in Asia and will eat rice as their staple food.
      Courses of Action
      I. More funds should immediately be allocated for rice research to help ensure adequate supplies.
      II. The people in Asia should be encouraged to change their food habits.
      III. The rice should be grown in countries outside Asia to meet the demand.

    • Options
    • A. Both I and II follow
    • B. All follow
    • C. Both II and III follow
    • D. Both I and III follow
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      Lack of coordination between the university, its colleges and various authorities has resulted in students' migrating from one college seeking admission to another.
      Courses of Action
      I. If a student migrates from a collage, the information should be sent to all the other colleges of university.
      II. The admissions to all the college of the universities should be handled by the university directly.
      III. A separate section should be made for talking strict action against students indulging in anti-social activities.

    • Options
    • A. Only I follows
    • B. Only II follows
    • C. Only II follows
    • D. I and III follow
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      With improving financial status of the urban parnts, majority of the children are prepared and find it difficult to struggle when faced with adverse situations.

      Courses of Action
      I. Parents should prepare themselves to orient their children to face difficult situations in there formative years.
      II. Parents should encourage their children to manage all their affairs on their own.

    • Options
    • A. if only I follows
    • B. if only II follows
    • C. if neither I nor II follows
    • D. if both I and II follow
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      The officer Incharge of a company had a hunch the some money was missing from the safe.
      Courses of action:
      I.He should get it recounted with the help of the staff and check it with the balance sheet.
      II. He should inform the police

    • Options
    • A. if only course of action I is follows.
    • B. if only course of action II is follows.
    • C. if either course of action I or II is follows.
    • D. if neither course of action I nor II is follows.
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      Statement :
      A large number of employees have gone on a mass casual leave in protest against the company's new recruitment policy.
      Courses of action :
      I. The company should immediately withdraw the recruitment policy.
      II. All these employees should immediately suspended from there service

    • Options
    • A. if only course of action I is follows.
    • B. if only course of action II is follows.
    • C. if either course of action I or II is follows.
    • D. if neither course of action I nor II is follows.
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      Four cases of pick pocketing were reported at one of the most renowned five star hotels last evening.
      Course of Action
      I. The hotel staff should be instructed to be vigilant and report any suspicions person or activity.
      II. More CCTV cameras should be installed near the dining and reception areas of the hotel where these incidents took place.

    • Options
    • A. if only I follows
    • B. if only II follows
    • C. if either I or II follows
    • D. if both I and II follows
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      Local villagers have reported that instances of illegal cutting of trees have increased over the last few months in the forest area.
      Courses of Action
      I. The local should be encouraged to report any such activities in the future as well.
      II. Authorities should immediately look into the matter and put stop to such illegal activities.

    • Options
    • A. if only I follows
    • B. if only II follows
    • C. if either I or II follows
    • D. if both I and II follows
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      Most of the children in India are not able to get education, because they get employed to earn livelihood in their childhood only.
      Courses of Action
      1. Education should be made compulsory for All children up to the age of 14.
      2. Employment of children bellow the age of 14 yr should be banned.

    • Options
    • A. if only I follows
    • B. if only II follows
    • C. if either I or II follows
    • D. if both I and II follows
    • Discuss


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