Why has such an advertisement been published by the advertiser? Definitely, the advertiser is assuming I. Assumption II is not implicit because it goes into details.
Global computer piracy is not mentioned in the statement. Therefore, assumption I is not implicit. But assumption II is implicit. That is why the journalist uses the word 'despite' in his statement.
The timeframe given by the government implies that the government must be assuming that the time given is adequate for operators to declare pay channel rates. Hence, assumption I is not implicit. Assumption II is not implicit because it is beyond the scope of the statement.
The statement does not mention anything regarding repayment structure or collateral security. Hence, neither I nor II is implicit.
The initiative taken by the government is aimed at delving into the reasons of the mysterious death and also at punishing the guilty. Order of magisterial inquiry implies that the government must be assuming I. Why has the entire staff of police station X been transferred? The government must be assuming II also.
We have nothing substantial to correlate the given assumptions. Neither I nor II is implicit.
Assumption I may not be implicit. It is beyond the scope of the statement due to lack of any specific clue. But assumption II seems quite plausible. That is why people's participation has been sought.
Assumption I is implicit. That is why the militants kidnapped the local resident. Assumption II is also implicit. Otherwise the militants would not have faith in the resident.
The tone of the statement implies that the speaker assumes training session is necessary for the team. Hence, assumption II is implicit. But the statement does not indicate what type of training session it should be. Hence, assumption I is not implicit.
Since the given statement has been made by the waterman while educating people on the community's right, the waterman must be assuming indulgence of MNCs in water business as disastrous for the people. Note that the speaker is not averse to indulgence of MNCs in road construction or some other areas. This implies water business has some special importance. Hence assumption I is implicit. Assumption II is not implicit because the indulgence of MNCs does not necessarily imply that they are going to by the rivers.
Assumption I goes into details, therefore, it is not implicit. Again the initiative to be taken is aimed at countering the problem. Hence, II must be implicit.
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