



Home Verbal Reasoning Statement and Assumption Comments

  • Question
  • Statement
    The State Government has decided to appoint four thousand primary school teachers during the next financial year.
    I. There are enough schools in the state to accommodate four thousand additional primary school teachers.
    II. The eligible candidates may not be interested to apply as the Government may not finally appoint such a large number of primary school teachers.

  • Options
  • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
  • B. If only Assumption II is implicit
  • C. If either Assumption I or II is implicit
  • D. if neither assumption II nor II is implicit

  • Correct Answer
  • if only Assumption I is implicit 


    Teachers can not be appointed in a vacuum and the reason Assumption I is valid assumption. Assumption II is not valid as it is more of a presumption.

  • Statement and Assumption problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      The traffic police department has put up huge notice boards at all major junction of the city, warning drivers to refrain from using cell phone while driving or else their licenses will be impounded.
      I. The driver of the vehicles may ignore the warning and continue using cell phones while driving.
      II. The traffic police department may be able to nab most of the offenders and impound their licenses.

    • Options
    • A. If only Assumption I implicit
    • B. If only Assumption II implicit
    • C. If either Assumption I or implicit
    • D. If neither Assumption I nor II implicit
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      The local cultural club decided to organize a musical event to raise money for the construction of the club building.
      I. The local residents may not allow the club to organize the musical event in the locality.
      II. The money allocated by organizing the musical event may be substantial enough for the club to start construction.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. If either Assumption I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither Assumption I nor II is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      The chairman of the company urged all the employees to refrain from making long personal calls during working hours in order to boost productivity.
      I. Majority of the employees may respond positively to the chairman's appeal.
      II. Most of the employees may continue to make long personal calls during working hours.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. If either Assumption I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither Assumption I nor II is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      The doctor warned the patient against any further consumption of alcohol, if he desired to get cured from the ailment and live a longer life.
      I. The patient may follow the doctor's advice and stop consuming alcohol.
      II. The doctor may be able to cure the patient from the ailment if the patient stops consumption alcohol.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. If either Assumption I or II is implicit
    • D. if both Assumption I and II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      The driver of the huge truck pulled the emergency breaks to avoid hitting the auto rickshaw which suddenly came in front of the truck.
      I. The auto rickshaw driver may be able to the steer his vehicle away from the on coming truck.
      II. The truck driver may be able to stop the truck before it hits the auto rickshaw.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicitq
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. If either assumption I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither assumption I nor II is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      The next meeting of the governing body for the Arihant Publication will be held after one year.
      I. There will be no meeting before one year.
      II. Arihant Publication will remain in function after one year.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. it either I or II is implicit
    • D. it neither I not II is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      Please do not lean out of the running bus, a notice in a tourist bus.
      I. Learning out of running bus is dangerous.
      II. The passengers are likely to pay attention to this notice.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if both Assumption I and II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      If it does not rain throughout this month, most farmer would be in trouble this year.
      I. Timely rain is essential for farming.
      II. Most of the farmers are generally dependent on rains.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if both Assumption I and II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      A advises B, "If you want to study English, join institute 'y' ".
      I. 'B' listens to A's advice.
      II. Institute 'Y' provides good coaching for English.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if both Assumption I and II are implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      The leader of the main opposition party asserted that the call for chakka jam turned out to be a great success in the entire state.
      I. The people in future will support the main opposition party.
      II. people probably are convinced about the reason behind the chakka jam strike call.

    • Options
    • A. if only Assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only Assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. Neither I nor II is implicit
    • Discuss


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