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  • Question
  • Statement:
    "Please do not display a damaged or dishevelled flag." - Ministry of Home Affairs
    I. Damaged and dishevelled flag is an indicator of the deteriorating condition of a country.
    II. When a flag is damaged or soiled, it should be destroyed in private.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.

  • Correct Answer
  • if neither I nor II is implicit. 


    if neither I nor II is implicit.

  • Statement and Assumption problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      "No representative is authorised to collect cash. Do not pay cash to anybody. All subscribers are requested to make payments only through cheques/DD in favour of the company." - An instruction to subscribers by company X
      I. If it is not said explicitly, the subscriber may claim for their payments in cash in cash any irregularities are made by the representatives.
      II. Representatives of company X are not trustworthy.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      "Oil the wheels that India moves on" is the cry of bicycle manufacturers in the country.
      I. The bicycle and components industry is a priority focus area possessing capability of thrusting export.
      II. Bicycle is the most affordable mode of transport.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      "Buy durable pillows of company 'X' . The pillows have been made from 100% imported downs and feather; have the natural property to take the contour and shape of your head, neck and shoulder while you sleep; and are very popular abroad as well as in the domestic market." - An advertisement
      I. Immense popularity of a product is a sign of the good quality of a product and its usefulness.
      II. People desire for blissful sleep that keeps them ticking for the rest of the day.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      "There should not be any delay in filing a complaint. If a policeman is not helpful or harasses a woman, the victim should note his name and belt number and send a complaint to senior officials specifying the place where he was on duty."- Woman's cell lawyer
      I. Most of the victims are literate.
      II. Senior officials will take disciplinary action against the guilty policemen.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      "Irrespective of who comes to power, what is of prime importance is to heal the badly shaken lives of the people of state 'X' with the assurance that things would not go haywire in future." - A citizen of state X
      I. The tenets of good governance and development must from the bedrock of the party that forms the next government in the state.
      II. To concentrate on the prime needs of the citizen is the only way by which the image of tarnished state 'X' can be improved.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      "On this auspicious occasion of Republic Day let us take the resolution to help the drought-affected 4.3 crore population and 4.5 crore livestock of the state." - An appeal by the CM of state X to its citizens
      I. Citizens' participation will ensure pride and respect of all sections of society as well as overall development of the state.
      II. Miseries of people affected by brought will be lessened through people's participation.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      Better understanding and cooperation among the exporters is needed. Effort should be to complement each other, rather than competing among themselves. - View of an agriculturist
      I. Exporters stand to lose if they act as competitors.
      II. Farmer - industry co-operation can work wonders.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      The TV industry has requested the government to lower customs duty on colour picture tubes to 10% so that colour TV sales can touch 10 m units in the next fiscal.
      I. Unreasonable protection to the Indian colour picture tubes industry has slowed down growth in the CTV industry.
      II. Overprotection encourages predatory pricing policy of domestic manufacturers.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      Bottled water companies 'X' and 'Y' ruled out any contamination of their products, saying these had been produced under rigorous quality control regime meeting all standards set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
      I. Production under rigorous quality control regime gives trustworthy results.
      II. BIS has been entrusted with the responsibility to set quality benchmarks.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      By 2010, India will be the country with the greatest number of heart patients.
      I. The number of heart patients all over the world can be found out.
      II. By 2010, India will be the most populated country in the world.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss


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