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  • Question
  • Statement
    The school authority to open a summer school this year in the school compound for the students in the age group of 7-14 yr.
    I. All the students will attend the summer school.
    II. All the parents will prefer to remain in city then going out of town for enabling their children to attend the summer school.
    III. Those who cannot afford to go out of the station, will send their children to summer school.

  • Options
  • A. Only II is implicit
  • B. II and III are implicit
  • C. None is implicit
  • D. All are implicit

  • Correct Answer
  • None is implicit 


    The use of the word 'all' in Assumptions I and II makes the assumptions doubtful and also we cannot say that those, who cannot afford to go out of the station, will send their children to summer school. Hence, none of the assumptions is implicit.

  • Statement and Assumption problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      Ramesh decided to get the railway reservation in February for the journey he wants to make in May to Chennai.
      I. The railway issues reservations three months in advance.
      II. The are more then one train to Chennai.
      III. There will be vacancy in the desired class.

    • Options
    • A. II and III are implicit
    • B. Only I is implicit
    • C. All are implicit
    • D. I and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      There is a big boom in drug business and a number of Jhuggi-Jhopari dwellers in Delhi can be seen pedaling with small pouches of smack and brown sugar.
      I. Drug addiction is increasing in the country, specially in the capital.
      II. All the big dons involved in the smuggling of drugs live in Jhuggi-Jhopari areas.
      III. Most of the Jhuggi-Jhopari dwellers would do anything for money.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is implicit
    • B. Only II is implicit
    • C. Only III is implicit
    • D. I and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      "Television 'P', the neighbour's envy the owner's pride", a TV advertisement.
      I. Catchy slogans appeal to people.
      II. People are envious of their neighbour's superior possessions.\
      III. People want to be annoyed by their neighbours

    • Options
    • A. I and II are implicit
    • B. Only III is implicit
    • C. I and III are implicit
    • D. All are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      "If you have obtained 75% or more marks in X standard, your admission to our coaching class for XII standard is guaranteed", an advertisement.
      I. Bright students generally do not opt for attending coaching classes.
      II. The coaching class has adequate capacity to accomodate all such students.
      III. The advertisement will be ignored.

    • Options
    • A. Only II is implicit
    • B. Only III is implicit
    • C. None is implicit
    • D. Only I is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      The company has recently announced series of incentives to the employees who are punctual and sincere.
      I. Those who are not punctual at present may get motivated by the announcement.
      II. The productivity of the company may increase.
      III. The profit earned by the company may be more than the amount to be spent for the incentive programmes.

    • Options
    • A. I and II implicit
    • B. II and III are implicit
    • C. All are implicit
    • D. None is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      The police authority cordoned off the entire locality for the entire day and stipend all vehicular movement for the visit of a top functionary of the government in view of the threat perception and advised all the residents in the area to limit their movement outside their dwellings.
      Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement?
      I. The police personal may not be able to control the vehicular movement in the locality and may seek help from the armed forces.
      II. People living in the locality may move out of their houses for the day of avoid inconvenience.
      III. The Government functionary may request the police authority to lift the ban on the movement of resident of the locality outsides their dwellings.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. Only I is implicit
    • C. Only II is implicit
    • D. Only III is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      The apex body controlling universities in the country has decided to revise the syllabus of all the technical courses to make them focused towards the present need of the industry. thereby making the technical graduate more employable then they are at present.
      Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement?
      I. Technical college affiliated to different university may not welcome the apex body's decision and may continue with the same syllabus as at present.
      II. The industry may welcome the decision of the apex body and scale up their hiring from these colleges.
      III. The Government may not allow the apex body to implement its decision in all the colleges as it may lead to chaos.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. Only I is implicit
    • C. Only II is implicit
    • D. Only III implicit
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      Government had urged all the citizens to use electronic media for carrying out their daily activities. When ever possible instead of using paper as the manufacture of paper require the cutting down of a large number of trees causing severe damage to the ecosystem.
      Which of the following assumption is/are implicit in the above statement?
      I. Most people may be capable of using electronic media to carry out various routines.
      II. most people may have access to electronic media for carrying out their daily routine activities.
      III. People at large may reject the Government's appeal and continue using paper as before.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is implicit
    • B. Only II is implicit
    • C. I and II are impllicit
    • D. Only III is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      The Government has decide to auction construction of highways to private entities in several blocks across the country on built-operate-transfer basis.
      Which of the following assumption(s) is/are implicit in the above statement?
      I. An adequate number of private entities may not respond to the Government's auction notification.
      II. Many private entities in the country are capable of construction highways within a reasonable time.
      III. The Government's proposal of build-operate-transfer may financially benefit the private entities.

    • Options
    • A. I and II are implicit
    • B. II and III are implicit
    • C. Only II is impicit
    • D. I and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      The airlines have requested all their bonafide passengers to check the status of flight operations before leaving their homes as heavy fog is causing immense problem to normal flight operations.
      Which of the following assumption(s) is/ are implicit in the above statement?
      I. Majority of the air passenger may check the flight status before the starting their journey to the airport.
      II. The Government may take serious objection to the notice issued by the airline company.
      III. Majority of the passengers may cancel their ticket and postpone their journey till the situation become normal.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. Only I is implicit
    • C. Only II is implicit
    • D. Only III is implicit
    • Discuss


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