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  • Question
  • Statement
    A group of friends decided to go for a picnic to Avon during the next holiday season to avoid crowd of people.
    I. Generally many people do not go to Avon.
    II. People prefer other sports to Avon.
    III. Many people know about Avon.

  • Options
  • A. All are implicit
  • B. Only II is implicit
  • C. I and II are implicit
  • D. I and III are implicit

  • Correct Answer
  • I and II are implicit 


    It is given in the statement that friends have decided to go for picnic to avoid crowd. This implies that many people don't go to Avon. Hence ,I and II are implicit. Now, we cannot say that reason for the Avon being non-crowdy is people's unacquaintance with this spot. It may be due to other reasons also.

  • Statement and Assumption problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      "In our report published last week, the name of the author was miss-spelt. We regret the error", a magazine editor.
      I. The name of the author was not easy to spell.
      II. Publishing correct name of author is not as important as the quality if the article.
      III. Publishing correct name of authors is desirable.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is implicit
    • B. II is implicit
    • C. Only III is implicit
    • D. I and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      The electricity company informed consumers through a notice that those whose did not pay their bills by the due date would be charged penalty for every day of default.
      I. Money collected as penalty would compensate for the losses incurred due to delay in making payment in bills
      II. People generally read notice.
      III. Majority of people would pay their bills by the due date to avoid penalty.

    • Options
    • A. All are implicit
    • B. Only I is implicit
    • C. None is implicit
    • D. I and II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      "We must introduce objective type tests to reform improve our examination system for admission to MBA", the chairman of the admission committee tells the committee.
      I. The admission at present is directly through interview.
      II. The admission committee is desirous of improving the admission exams.
      III. The chairman himself is an MBA.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is implicit
    • B. Only II is implicit
    • C. I and II are implicit
    • D. I and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      "Since no university has responded to our proposal, we shall not depute any faculty member on the course this year".
      I. The proposal has been received by the universities.
      II. The proposal had also indicate financial provision.
      III. The proposal was unanimously approved by state Government also.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is implicit
    • B. Only III is implicit
    • C. None is implicit
    • D. I and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      "Use 'Nova' cold cream for fair complexion.", an advertisement.
      I. People like to use cream for fair complexion.
      II. People are easily fooled.
      III. People respond to the advertisements.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is implicit
    • B. Only II is implicit
    • C. I and III are implicit
    • D. I and II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      The telephone company informed the subscribes through a notification that those who don't pay their bills by the due date will be charged penalty for every defaulting day.
      I. Majority of the people may pay their bills by the due date to avoid penalty.
      II. The money collected as penalty may settle off the losses due to the delayed payments.
      III. People generally pay heed to such notices.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. I and III are implicit
    • C. Only II is implicit
    • D. II and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      Considering the tickets sold during the last seven days the circus authorities decided to continue the show for another fortnight which include two weekends.
      I. People may not turn up on week days.
      II. The average number of people who will be visiting circus will be more or less same as that of the last seven days.
      III. There may not be enough response at other places.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. Only II is implicit
    • C. I and II are implicit
    • D. All are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      "Slogans against smoking in office should be put on the notice board", An employee in one office suggests.
      I. The employee felt that his suggestion will be considered.
      II. People smoke in the office.
      III. Some people will stop smoking in the office after reading the slogans.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. I and III are implicit
    • C. I and II are implicit
    • D. Only I is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      Unable to manage with the present salary, Tarun joined another company.
      I. The new company has better work environment.
      II. The present company offers moderate pay packet.
      III. The new company offers higher salary to the all its employees.

    • Options
    • A. All are implicit
    • B. None is implicit
    • C. Only II is implicit
    • D. II and III are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      "Wanted a two bedroom flat in the court area for immediate possession", an advertisement.
      I. Flats are available in the court area.
      II. Some people will respond to the advertisement.
      III. It is a practice to give such an advertisement.

    • Options
    • A. None is implicit
    • B. I and II are implicit
    • C. Only II is implicit
    • D. All are implicit
    • Discuss


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