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  • Question
  • Statement:
    Some books are trees. All tress are roads. All roads are wheels.
    I. Some wheels are books.
    II. Some roads are books.
    III. Some wheels are trees.

  • Options
  • A. Only I and II follow
  • B. Only II & III follow
  • C. Only I and III follow
  • D. All follow

  • Correct Answer
  • All follow 


    Some books are trees + All tress are roads = I + A = I = Some books are roads (I) Hence II follows. Some books are trees + All roads are wheels = I + A = I = Some books are wheels ? conversion ? Some wheels are books (I) Hence I follows. All trees are roads + All roads are wheels = A + A = A = All trees are wheels ? conversion ? Some wheels are trees (I) Hence III follows.

  • Syllogism problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      All buildings are mirrors. Some mirrors are pens. No pen is paper.
      I. Some papers are buildings.
      II. Some pens are buildings.
      III. Some papers are mirrors.

    • Options
    • A. None follow
    • B. Only I follow
    • C. Only II follow
    • D. Only III follow
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      All windows are doors. All buildings are doors. All doors are boats.
      I. All windows are boats.
      II. All buildings are boats.
      III. Some boats are doors.

    • Options
    • A. Only I and II follow
    • B. Only I and III follow
    • C. Only II and III follow
    • D. All follow
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      All flowers are trees. Some trees are houses All houses are wheels.
      I. Some wheels are trees.
      II. Some trees are flowers.
      III.Some wheels are flowers.

    • Options
    • A. Only I and II follow
    • B. Only I and III follow
    • C. Only II and III follow
    • D. All I, II and III follow
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      Some desks are chairs. Some chairs. Some chairs are pens. Some pens. Some pens are drawers.
      I. Some drawers are desks.
      II. Some drawers is chairs.
      III. No drawer is chair.

    • Options
    • A. None follows
    • B. Only II follows
    • C. Only III follows
    • D. Only either II or III follow
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      All tables are sofas. All sofas are beds. All beds are mats.
      I. Some mats are sofas.
      II. Some beds are tables.
      III. Some mats are tables.

    • Options
    • A. None follows
    • B. Only II follows
    • C. Only I and III follows
    • D. Only II and III follows
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      All stones are rivers. All rivers are cars. Some cars are trains.
      I. Some trains are stones.
      II. Some cars are stones.
      III. Some trains are rivers.

    • Options
    • A. None follows
    • B. Only I follows
    • C. Only II follows
    • D. Only III follows
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      Some rivers are hills. No hill is taxi. All taxis are buses.
      I. Some buses are rivers.
      II. Some taxis are rivers.
      III. No bus is river.

    • Options
    • A. None follows
    • B. Only I follows
    • C. Only III follows
    • D. Only II follows
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      In the following question a statement is followed by four inferences. Select the one which is most appropriate.
      All the books, written by Prabhakar, are textbooks.
      Some of his books are published by Pitamber Publishing Company.

    • Options
    • A. All the books published by Pitamber Publishing Company have been written by Prabhakar.
    • B. Pitamber Publishing Company publishes some critical essays written by Prabhakar.
    • C. Some textbooks written by Prabhakar are published by publishers other than Pitamber Publishing Company.
    • D. Pitamber Publishing Company only publishes textbooks.
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      I. Some keys are locks, some locks are numbers.
      II. All numbers are letters, all letters are words.
      I. Some words are numbers.
      II. Some locks are letters.

    • Options
    • A. Conclusion I follows
    • B. Conclusion II follows
    • C. Conclusions I and II follow
    • D. None of the conclusion follows
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      Select the alternative inference which is most appropriate.
      "All professors are learned; learned people are always gentle."
      Inference: All professors are gentle persons.

    • Options
    • A. The inference is true.
    • B. The inference is false.
    • C. The inference is probably true or probably false.
    • D. The inference is irrelevant.
    • Discuss


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