From the given word, ' MEDICO' is the only word which can be formed.
'PORTICO' word cannot be formed from 'PORTFOLIO' due to the absence of letter 'C'
The word 'Secure' cannot be formed from 'Courageous' because only one 'e' is present in the given word
TALENT word cannot be formed using the letters of the given words because letter E is not present in the given word.
The word is 'GARNISH' meaning 'DECORATE' .
Arrangement of word is ' BEHIND' and the similar word is 'BACK' .
'PARROT' can be formed from 'PREPARATION' .
'DAIRY' word can be formed from the word 'DICTIONARY' .
'LIMITED' is the only word which can be formed by using the letters of given word.
'OPINION' can be formed from ' COMPANIONSHIP' .
From letters O, I, T, N, only one meaningful word ' INTO' can be formed and last letter of this word is O.
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