As we know that ,
Man is different from vegetables and cow.
It is clear that option ( A ) represents the best relationship between Man, Vegetables and Cow. As shown in given venn - diagram .
As we know that ,
Every thing is composed of molecules.
Sun is different from Moon.
From above it is clear that option ( C ) represents the best relationship between Sun, Moon and Molecule. As shown in given venn - diagram .
On the basis of above given question , we can say that
Goat is different from cow.
But both are milk animals.
Hen is different from both goat and cow.
From above it is clear that option ( C ) represents the best relationship between milk, goat, cow and hen. As shown in given venn - diagram .
As we know that ,
All mothers are women.
All women are people.
It is clear that option ( B ) represents the best relationship between people, women and mothers. As shown in given venn - diagram .
As we know that ,
Crow is different from Eagle.
But, both comes under the class bird.
From above it is clear that option ( B ) represents the best relationship between Days, Year and Months. As shown in given venn - diagram .
According to above given question , we can say that
Days constitute Month and in turn 12 months constitute a Year.
It is clear that option ( B ) represents the best relationship between Days, Year and Months. As shown in given venn - diagram .
As per the given above question , we can say that
Some black eyed people may be brown haired and vice-versa.
Some black eyed people may be Indians and vice-versa.
Some brown haired people may be Indians and vice-versa.
Some black eyed and brown haired people may be Indians and vice-versa.
It is clear that option ( A ) represents the best relationship between Black eyed people, Brown haired people, Indian.
On the basis of above given question , we know that
Parents include Mother and Father but Mother is different from Father.
From above it is clear that option ( C ) represents the best relationship between Parents, Mothers and Fathers. As shown in given venn - diagram .
As we know that ,
Class teacher is different from girls and boys of Standard VIII. Similarly, girls are different from boys.
It is clear that option ( B ) represents the best relationship between Class teacher, Girls and Boys. As shown in given venn - diagram .
As per the given above question , we can say that
Teachers are different from students.
But both are included in the society.From above it is clear that option ( B ) represents the best relationship between society, teacher and student.
As we know that ,
Editor is different from Journalist.
Similarly, Newspaper is different from both the Editor and Journalist.
But, all the three inter-related in some manner.
It is clear that option ( D ) represents the best relationship between Editor, Newspaper and Journalist. As shown in given venn - diagram .
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