Ascending order of increasing size :
1. Centimetre (1 cm) ? 3. Decimetre (10 cm) ? 4. Metre (100 cm) ? 2. Kilometre (1000 m.)
Meaningful order of words : 3. Violet ? 1. Indigo ? 4. Blue ? 5. Green ? 6. Yellow ? 7. Orange ? 2. Red
Meaningful order of words :-
From given options (1) is possible.
Based on generations :
Ist generation ? 3. Father ? IInd generation ?2.Husband ? 1.Brother ? IIIrd generation? 5.Son-in-law ? 4. Son
Meaningful order of the words : (Colours of a rainbow)- VIBGYOR
7. Violet ? 2. Indigo ? 4. Blue ? 5. Green ? 6. Yellow ? 1. Orange ? 3. Red
Meaningful order of words :- 2. Cotton ? 4. Thread ? 1. Weaving ? 3. Cloth
Meaningful order of words : (iii) Crime ? (i) Police ? (iv) Judge ? (v) Judgement ? (ii) Punishment
Meaningful order of words :
1. Apartment ? 4. Building ? 5. Complex ? 3. Street ? 2. Town
Meaningful order of words :
5. Cover ? 3- Index ? 4- Prologue ? 2- Chapter ? 1- Epilogue
Ascending order of given magnitudes :
(2) Kilo (103) ? (1) Mega (104) ? (4) Giga (109) ? (3) Tera (1012)
Meaningful order of words :-
Stone Age ? Metallic Age ? Alloy Age ? Atomic Age
Ordering the progression in Hardware :-
Vacuum Tube (1st Generation : 1940?55) ? 2. Transistors (2nd Generation: 1956 ? 63) ? 4. Integrated Circuits (3rd Generation :1964 ? 71) ? 1. Silicon chips.
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