Move two letter backward (-2)
if we move two letter back after H it comes F.
if we move two letter back after K it comes I.
if we move two letter back after I it comes R.
if we move two letter back after G it comes E.
Like M E A T-----> T E A M
Similarly BALE will be written as EALB
K comes before L
N comes before O
S comes before T
T comes before U
R comes before S
This way KNSTR is correct option
As per given question, the letter series is following the below pattern.
gfe i i/g f eii
After using the pattern the complete letter series will be as below.
gfe i i/g f eii/ g fei i/ gf e ii
As per given question, the letter series is following the below pattern.
b a a
After using the pattern the complete letter series will be as below.
b a a/ b b b/ b a a/ b b b
As per given question, the letter series is following the below pattern.
a c b c c b
After using the pattern the complete letter series will be as below.
a c b c c b / a c b c c b / a c b
Every single word is coded here like T ? X ,A ? E etc...
We have to use every word coded in TABLECLOTH in HOTEL as well.
H ? T
O ? I
T ? X
E ? A
L ? R
Move +2,+3,+4 forward for first 3 letters
Move -2,-3,-4 backward for last 3 letters
C +2 = E
A + 3 = D
S + 4 = W
K - 2 = I
E - 3 = B
T - 4 = P
So The answer is EDWIBP
Interchange the alphabets of odd pair of words, and keep even pair as it is.
C O ? OC
N T ? NT
I N ? NI
U O ? UO
U S ? SU
If P means #,A means %,C means $ and E means@
P ? #
E ? @
A ? %
C ? $
E ? @
So the code for PEACE will be #@%$@
From question
DELHI ? 73541 ---(i)
CALCUTTA ? 82589662 ...(ii)
from (i) and (ii)
C ? 8,
A ? 2,
L ? 5,
I ? 1,
C ? 8,
U ? 9,
T ? 6
So the code for CALICUT will be 8251896.
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