All others are female animals.
Both I and II are strong. I is strong because it is not necessary that all the rickshaw-pullers and prisoners have unsuitable bools. Hence, I stresses on the importance of bloods donation. Whereas II is strong because banning those persons from donation of blood is a good precautionary step.
First Premise is Particular Affirmative (I?type).
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A?type).
All boys are young. ? Some young are managers.
A + I ? No Conclusion
'Table' comes under 'Furniture'. Similarly, 'Pencil' comes under 'Stationery'.
Vats is in Car 1 and Aks is in Car 2. Now, Meh and Rey are also in Car 1, which means that Dan is in Car 2.
Car 1 : Vats, Meh and Rey
Car 2 : Aks , Dan
The number of possible ways to arrange the remaining person is
Car 1 : Chat, Nag
Car 2 : Ana, Vij
Car 1 : Ana, Vij
Car 2 : Chat, Nag
Car 1 : Ana
Car 2 : Chat, Nag, Vij
if both I and II are implicit.
First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type).
All teachers are actors. ? Some actors are women.
A + I ? No Conclusion
Conclusion III is the Converse of the second Premise.
From the given information: Date for competition from 19th October to 26th October (From Wednesday to Wednesday)
From (v), no competition was held on 20th and 23rd (i.e on Thursday & Sunday) From (vi), Street play was held on 24th.
From (iii) and (vii), Debate must have been held on 22nd, Flash-P on 21st and Group song on 25th.
From (ii), Rock-band was held on 19th.
Hence , Debate competition exactly precedes the street play competition .
Anand is an artist and artists are beautiful. So, Anand is beautiful.
The response of the public to the circus shows during the last seven days is reasonable good. It is, therefore assumed by the authority to get the similar response during the extended days. Hence, Assumption II is implicit.
According to statement and given assumptions, we can say none of the given assumptions is implicit .
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