There is pattern of going from the second member of a pair to the first member of the next pair, + 2, + 3, + 4,... CW.
Meaningful order :
(c) Room ? (a) House ? (b) Road ? (d) Hemlet ? (e) District
Author writes with pen on paper. And as such, book is published. A large number of books are kept in library. Thus, Meaningful order :
(c) Author ? (e) Pen ? (a) Paper ? (d) Book ? (b) Library
'Retirement from international cricket' means Shoaib does not play test cricket now as test cricket is a part of the international cricket. Hence, Assumption I is implicit. Assumption II is also implicit because it is clearly said that Shoaib targeted Tendulkar through his book and book is a write up.
In option (c), all the children are in Car 2, which contradicts the basic condition.
only Conclusion II can follow as text book must available but lack of experiment may be the reason.
The first course of action does not match the scale of the problem. The problem is not big as to merit a Government enquiry, It is enough that civic body takes action and hence, II follows.
Ascending order of given magnitudes :
(2) Kilo (103) ? (1) Mega (104) ? (4) Giga (109) ? (3) Tera (1012)
The reservation of jobs in the private sector too would surely increase opportunities for weaker sections improve their economic plight. Thus, argument I is strong enough. Also, private sector companies work on a good profit margin and they can and will have to accommodate such a policy if implemented. So, neither II nor IV holds strong. Further, just imitating other countries holds no relevance. So, argument III also does not hold.
Q + R ? Q is the father of R
R - T ? R is the brother of T
Hence, ? Q is the father of T
T x K ? T is the daughter of K
Hence, ? Q is the husband of K.
Therefore, P is the mother-in-law of K.
'Prowl' is the name given to the movement of 'Lion' and similarly 'Lumber' is the name given to the movement of 'Bear'.
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