Let us assume that the number of Canadian institute they have donated is x, then that from Brazil is x - 2. On the basis of data above table is drawn. From information 10, residents of Canada, England and Brazil are staying in alternate rooms in that order starting from left. Though room numbers of residents of Canada, England and Brazil can also be 102, 104 and 106 respectively.
12 cars are owned by the English businessman.
Only '48' is not square of any number.
Carom is an indoor game.
3781 is the odd one out as other numbers contain only odd digits.
First indicates the lack of the second.
All others are two in number.
F < E < J ? H > Z H ? Y and Z < H
As study of 'Brain ' is called 'Neurology', similarly, 'study' of Body is called 'physiology'.
A and C cannot be part of the same team since F has to be always selected with C but never with A.
as we don't know the gender of L.
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