Let us assume that the number of Canadian institute they have donated is x, then that from Brazil is x - 2. On the basis of data above table is drawn. From information 10, residents of Canada, England and Brazil are staying in alternate rooms in that order starting from left. Though room numbers of residents of Canada, England and Brazil can also be 102, 104 and 106 respectively.
The businessman of Uruguay owns the highest number of cars.
In all the numbers except 383, the middle digit is the product of the other two digits.
All are multiple of 3 except 83.
Similarly, 32:112:(2/7)
32 ? 3 x 2 = 6
'Uneasy' and 'Quiet' are opposite to each other. Likewise, 'Fit' and 'Unfit' are opposite to each other
Belief is a different word from others.
It is not necessary that A is a clerk though he is poor.
All are insects.
Except 'Sodium' all other are radioactive.
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