Let us assume that the number of Canadian institute they have donated is x, then that from Brazil is x - 2. On the basis of data above table is drawn. From information 10, residents of Canada, England and Brazil are staying in alternate rooms in that order starting from left. Though room numbers of residents of Canada, England and Brazil can also be 102, 104 and 106 respectively.
number of institutions to which the Argentinean businessman donated in the last year is 18.
The given series is in the below pattern , we can see that
cabbac / cabbac / cabbac.
Hence , required answer will be acbcb .
All others are national holidays.
A nebulous from means having an ambiguous from same as an insipid taste which is dull, boring, almost no taste.
As paper is product of tree. Similarly glass is product of sand.
if both I and II are implicit.
'Tall' is opposite to 'Dwarf' and 'Cruel' is opposite to kind.
Former cannot be expected from the latter.
H < T ...(i) T ? B ...(ii) B > R ...(iii)
From (i) and (ii) we get H < T ? B or B > H.
Hence III does not follow.
Fill the blank space with correct alphabets as NOPQ word is repeating.
N O P Q , N O P Q, N O P Q, N O P Q ? NOPQ
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