As per the given above question , we can see that
In row 1, P, Q, R, S and T are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2, A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are facing north.
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. All others are sitting at the ends .
From the given information: Date for competition from 19th October to 26th October (From Wednesday to Wednesday)
From (v), no competition was held on 20th and 23rd (i.e on Thursday & Sunday) From (vi), Street play was held on 24th.
From (iii) and (vii), Debate must have been held on 22nd, Flash-P on 21st and Group song on 25th.
From (ii), Rock-band was held on 19th.
Hence , Debate competition exactly precedes the street play competition .
From the given information: Date for competition from 19th October to 26th October (From Wednesday to Wednesday)
From (v), no competition was held on 20th and 23rd (i.e on Thursday & Sunday) From (vi), Street play was held on 24th.
From (iii) and (vii), Debate must have been held on 22nd, Flash-P on 21st and Group song on 25th.
From (ii), Rock-band was held on 19th.
Hence , Rock band competition is required answer .
From the given information: Date for competition from 19th October to 26th October (From Wednesday to Wednesday)
From (v), no competition was held on 20th and 23rd (i.e on Thursday & Sunday) From (vi), Street play was held on 24th.
From (iii) and (vii), Debate must have been held on 22nd, Flash-P on 21st and Group song on 25th.
From (ii), Rock-band was held on 19th. Hence , Five days gap is there between rock band competition and group song competition .
From this we can draw following result :-
From the given information: Date for competition from 19th October to 26th October (From Wednesday to Wednesday)
From (v), no competition was held on 20th and 23rd (i.e on Thursday & Sunday) From (vi), Street play was held on 24th.
From (iii) and (vii), Debate must have been held on 22nd, Flash-P on 21st and Group song on 25th.
From (ii), Rock-band was held on 19th. Hence from this we can draw following result :-
From the given information: Date for competition from 19th October to 26th October (From Wednesday to Wednesday)
From (v), no competition was held on 20th and 23rd (i.e on Thursday & Sunday) From (vi), Street play was held on 24th.
From (iii) and (vii), Debate must have been held on 22nd, Flash-P on 21st and Group song on 25th.
From (ii), Rock-band was held on 19th. Hence from this we can draw following result:
From the given above question , we can say that
In row 1, P, Q, R, S and T are seated and all of them are facing south. In row 2, A, B, C, D and E are seated and all of them are facing north.
In all other, the second is the neighbour of the one facing the first.R and A is the one that does not belong to that group .
On the basis of above given question , we can say that The floor number of every person is written by increasing 1 in their actual floor number but that of Q it is written by decreasing 1.Hence , Q is correct answer .
As per the given above question , we have
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are sitting in a straight line facing north. Each one of them lives on a different floor in the same building which is numbered from one to seven. Q sits fourth to the left of the person living on the 6th floor. Either Q or the person living on the 6th floor sits at the extreme ends of the line.
From above it is clear that Q person live on the 6th floor .
_ > _ > _ > _ C > A, E ...........(i)
B > D > _ > _ > _ > _ ...........(ii)
Since E did not score the least, we get B > D > F (81) > C > E (62) > A
is the correct answer; B's score is maximum according to above sequence. F has scored 81 marks. Then B's score = 81 + 13 = 94 marks and D is between B and F. D is most likely to score 89 marks.
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