Meaningful order of the words:
(D) Proton ? (B) Atom ? (C) Molecule ? (A) Substance
Meaningful order of words:
1. Farmer ? 4. Seed ? 3. Cultivation ? 4. Food
Meaningful order of the words in ascending order:
3. Select Problem ? 2. Collect data ? 4. Analyse and Interpret data ? 1. Take action
Meaningful order:
3. Requirements Analysis ? 2. Conceptual Modelling ? 4. Logical Modelling ? 6. Schema Refinement ? 5. Physical Model ? 1. Implementation
Meaningful order in ascending order:
1. 0640 hours ? 3. 1335 hours ? 2. 1930 hours ? 4. 2000 hours
5. Sensation ? 2. Perception ? 4. Assimilation ? 3. Scheme Formation ? 1. Accommodation
Meaningful order of the words: (Colours of a rainbow)- VIBGYOR
7. Violet ? 2. Indigo ? 4. Blue ? 5. Green ? 6. Yellow ? 1. Orange ? 3. Red
Meaningful order of words:
(D) Cow ? (B) Milk ? (C) Curd ? (E) Butter ? (A) Ghee
Meaningful order of the words: Based on order of Physiological activities in Body :
III. Nutrition ? II. Digestion ? I. Absorption ? IV. Excretion
Meaningful order of words:
3. Violet ? 1. Indigo ? 4. Blue ? 5. Green ? 6. Yellow ? 7. Orange ? 2. Red
Meaningful order of words: According to increasing size of accomodations
4. Hut ? 1. House ? 3. Bungalow ? 2. Palace
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