Here, Equine is related to or affecting horses or other members of horse family. Feline is relating to or affecting cats or other members of cat family.
The alphabets are coded as shown :
So, in SEARCH,
S ia coded as 2,
E as 1,
A as 4,
R as 6,
C as 7,
H as 3.
Thus, the code for SEARCH is 214673
If each consecutive letter in "happiness" relates to the consecutive numbers in 517768399, then H=5, A=1, P=7, I=6, N=8, E=3 and S=9.
Using the numbers that relate to the letters in 'senipah', you will arrive at
SENIPAH = 9386715.
Hence, Happiness is to 517768399 as senipah is to 9386715.
The alphabets in the given words are coded as follows :
D is coded as 3,
I as 7,
S as 6,
T as 5,
A as 4 and
N as 8.
So, the code for DISTANT is 3765485.
Only option b will be apt among all the statements above
Floors Persons
6. D
5. F
4. B
3. A
2. C
1. E
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