'Geetanjali' is written by 'Tagore' and 'Oliver Twist' is written by 'Dickens'.
'Hoof' is related to 'Horse' in the same way 'Foot' is related to 'Man'.
'Medicine' is given in the form of 'Pills' and 'Knowledge' is given in the form of 'Books'.
As a 'Spider' makes 'Web' similarly a 'Poet' makes 'Poetry'.
'Zoology' is the branch of science dealing with the study of 'Animals' and similarly, and similarly, 'Physiology' is the branch of science dealing with the study of 'Body'.
'Taj Mahal' is located in 'Agra' and in the same way 'Golden Temple' is located in 'Amritsar'.
As 'Bud' grows and becomes a 'Flower' Similarly, 'Sapling' grows and becomes a 'Tree'.
'ideas' are stored in 'Brain'and 'Money' is stored in 'Bank'.
'Frankness' and 'Blunt' are synonyms and so are 'Rise' and 'Awake'.
Antonymous relationship of words.
They both are antonyms of each other 'Mendacity' means untruthfulness, which is opposite in the same way 'Craven' means coward which is antonym of 'Courageous'.
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