2. If percentage elongation of a certain specimen made of a material 'A' under tensile test is 30% and the percentage elongation of a specimen with same dimensions made of another material 'B' is 40%, then material 'B' is more ductile than material 'A'.
3. When a closely-coiied helical spring of mean diameter (D) is subjected to an axial load (W), the deflection of the spring (?) is given by (where d = Diameter of spring wire, n = No. of turns of the spring, and C = Modulus of rigidity for the spring material)
4. According to Euler's column theory, the crippling load of a column is given by p = ?2EI/Cl2. In the Euler's formula, the value of C for a column with both ends fixed is 4.
10. For a given stress, the ratio of moment of resistance of a beam of square cross-section when placed with its two sides horizontal to the moment of resistance with its diagonal horizontal, is