The sensible heat factor during cooling and dehumidification process is given by (where h1 = Enthalpy of air entering the cooling coil, h2 = Enthalpy of air leaving the cooling coil, and hA = Enthalpy of air at the end of dehumidification process)
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Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning problems
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1. The formation of frost on cooling coils in a refrigerator
4. Fourier's law of heat conduction is (where Q = Amount of heat flow through the body in unit time, A = Surface area of heat flow, taken at right angles to the direction of heat flow, dT = Temperature difference on the two faces of the body, dx = Thickness of the body, through which the heat flows, taken along the direction of heat flow, and k = Thermal conductivity of the body)
10. In a psychrometric process, the sensible heat added is 30 kJ/s and the latent heat added is 20 kJ/s. The sensible heat factor for the process will be