The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 48° . The average temperature for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 52°, If the temperature on Monday was 42°, then the temperature on Friday was (in degrees)
3. The average runs conceded by a bowler in 5 matches is 45 and 15.75 in other 4 matches. What is the average runs conceded by the bowler in 9 matches?
4. The average age of 24 students is 12 years. It was observed that while calculating the average age, the age of a student was taken as 14 years instead of 8 years. What will be the correct average age (in years)?
5. In a match, average of runs scored by 7 players is 53. If the runs scored by 6 players are 121, 40, 26, 56, 37 and 48, then how many runs did the 7th player scored?
7. The average marks in science subject of a class of 20 students is 68. If the marks of two students were misread as 48 and 65 of the actual marks 72 and 61 respectively, then what would be the correct average?
Difference of marks = 72 + 61 ?48 ?65 = 20?Correct average marks = 68 +20/20= 69
8. A group of boys has an average weight of 36 kg. One boy weighing 42 kg leaves the group and another boy weighing 30 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 35.7 kg, then how many boys are there in the group?
10. Seven friends spent Rs 14 each on a project and the eighth friend spent Rs 21 more than the average expenditure of all eight of them. What is the amount of total money (in Rs) spent by them?