I is not implicit: Since the statement is silent on whether the move would have a good or a bad impact, it does not make any assumption about the move's desirability. II is also not implicit . In fact the assumption is on the contrary. If we say that this move has been taken from a particular point of view ( that of exchange rate management), We assume that other moves are also possible.
If A needs to be substituted by B, we assume that B is more appropriate than A. Now, the appropriateness of sledgehammer may be due to either of the following reasons: (a) a sledgehammer is more powerful; (b) though not more powerful, it works because different tools are required in different conditions. (b) may be explained by the following example : A chalk can not be said to be more powerful than a pen. But when it comes to writing on a blackboard, you would use a chalk, not a pen.
I is implicit because the power to reject something is usually possible only when one has the power to grant it.
II has no connection whatsoever with the statement.
I is not an assumption but an inference. II is implicit because unless one is destructive, one cannot destroy something.
I is a bizarre assumption. The statement does not assume anything about what men or women should (not) do. II is implicit because to become the embodiment of something, much has to be proved first.
I is implicit because advertisement of a particular brand is usually placed in order to compete with other available brands. II is implicit because price and quality are not inextricably related.
A decision is taken when it is felt that it would be accepted by most of the people concerned. Hence I is implicit. II is also implicit as the reason behind the need.
Were it assumed that the employees might leave, such a decision would not be taken. Hence Assumption I is implicit. Assumption II is not implicit because "next year" is present nowhere in the picture.
Assumption I is implicit in "at their own cost". Assumption II is contrary to what the citizens may have assumed.
Assumption I is implicit as this is the purpose assumed while levying the tax. II is also implicit because when a rule is framed, it is assumed that people are capable of following it.
when you instruct someone to do something, you assume that he may do it. Hence II is implicit and II is not.
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