I is strong on the ground of quality while II is string or the ground of accessibility .
I is strong because a positive impact on the burden is desirable and has a great importance in the country 's economy. II is not strong because the question related with subsidy on blended fuel. the issue on which argument II stresses has no substance to negate subsidy on blended fuel
I is a strong argument because it will make cricket more popular, which is desirable. II is a strong argument because records made by the players in tougher and more challenging situations can not be ignored.
I is strong because men are more important then machines. II is not strong because the argument lacks authenticity.
I is strong because weakness in financial condition will lead to inadequate infrastructure facilities . II is a weak argument. Because the losers will be only those students who join the course after the commencement of the session .
I is strong because it will encourage non-violence and will make the environment conducive for pence. II is also strong because effort from only side will not necessarily usher in desirable result. But the state can 't be both more and less peaceful at the same time. Hence either I or II follows.
I is weak because it wrongly assumes that if other oil PSUs buy HPCL share, it will be unproductive. II is strong because it will facilitate government in getting more revenue through disinvestment .
I is not strong. II is strong because it will give a new impetus to the interest of the common man in cricket.
only I is strong because it will make the PDS programme more meaningful and purposeful. II is weak because it adds nothing substantial to the statement.
II is weak argument because it wrongly assumes that vacation makes employees lazy and less hardworking.
I is strong because lesser vacation ensures higher working days. will reduce the work pending.
I is strong because fosters sportsman spirit.II is weak argument because the weakness of team is know not only to its former players.
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