Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A-type).
All goats are tigers. ? All tigers are lions.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion
"All goats are lions."
Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A-type).
All files are numbered. ? All numbers are coded.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion "All files are coded."
This is Conclusion I.
First Premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type)
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
Some shoes are white. ? All white are blue.
I + A ? I-type of Conclusion "Some shoes are blue."
This is Conclusion II.
We can align the premises by changing their order:
Some citizens are solidiers. ? All solidiers are men.
We know that
I + A ? I type conclusion Thus, our derived conclusion would be:
"Some citizens are men".
This is conclusion on I.
Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A?type).
All carts are cars. ? All cars are trains.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion
"All carts are trains."
This is Conclusion I.
First Premise is Universal Negative (E-type).
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
We can align the Premises by Converting the first Premise and changing their order. Thus,
All women are intelligent. ? No intelligent is a man .
we know that,
A + E ?E-type Conclusion Thus our derived Conclusion would be:
"No woman is a man"
This is the Conclusion II. Conclusion I is the Converse of this Conclusion.
Therefore, both the Conclusions I and II follow.
First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type).
All clerks are typists. ? Some typists are stenos.
A + I ?No Conclusion
Conclusions I and II form Complementary Pair. Therefore, either I or II follows.
Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A - type).
All players are educated. ? All educated are cultured.
A + A ? A?type of Conclusion "All players are cultured."
This is Conclusion I.
Both the Premises are Particular Affirmative (I-type).
No Conclusion follows from the two Particular Premises.
Conclusion II is Converse of the second Premise.
First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A - type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I - type).
Some human beings are animals. ? All animals are birds.
I + A ? I-type of Conclusion "Some human beings are birds".
This is Conclusion I.
Conclusion II is converse of it.
Both the premises are Universal Affirmative (A-type).
All women are cats. ? All cats are rats.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion "All women are rats."
This is Conclusion I.
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