Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A?type).
All carts are cars. ? All cars are trains.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion
"All carts are trains."
This is Conclusion I.
First Premise is Universal Negative (E-type).
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
We can align the Premises by Converting the first Premise and changing their order. Thus,
All women are intelligent. ? No intelligent is a man .
we know that,
A + E ?E-type Conclusion Thus our derived Conclusion would be:
"No woman is a man"
This is the Conclusion II. Conclusion I is the Converse of this Conclusion.
Therefore, both the Conclusions I and II follow.
First Premise is Universal Negative (E-type).
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
No cow is chair. ? All chairs are tables.
E + A ? O1 ? type of Conclusion "Some tables are not cows."
Conclusion I is Converse of the second Premise. Therefore, Conclusion I follows.
Conclusions II and IV form Complementary Pair. Therefore, either Conclusion II or IV follows. Thus, Conclusion I and Conclusion II or IV follow.
There is no such options.
Clearly, all monkeys cannot sign.
All philosophers without exception are men. So no woman can be philosopher.
Both the premises are Universal Affirmative. We can align the premises by changing their order. Thus,
X is a lady professor. ? All University professors have a doctorate degree.
We know that,
A + A ? A - type conclusion. Thus our derived conclusion would be "X has a doctorate degree".
We can align the premises by changing their order:
Some citizens are solidiers. ? All solidiers are men.
We know that
I + A ? I type conclusion Thus, our derived conclusion would be:
"Some citizens are men".
This is conclusion on I.
First Premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type)
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
Some shoes are white. ? All white are blue.
I + A ? I-type of Conclusion "Some shoes are blue."
This is Conclusion II.
Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A-type).
All files are numbered. ? All numbers are coded.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion "All files are coded."
This is Conclusion I.
Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A-type).
All goats are tigers. ? All tigers are lions.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion
"All goats are lions."
First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type).
All clerks are typists. ? Some typists are stenos.
A + I ?No Conclusion
Conclusions I and II form Complementary Pair. Therefore, either I or II follows.
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