All professors are learned and learned people are always gentle. So, all professors are gentle persons. It means the Inference is true.
Statement I consists of two Particular Affirmative (I-type) Premises.
Statement II consists of two Universal Affirmative (A-type) Premises.
Some locks are numbers. ? All numbers are letters.
I + A ? I-type of Conclusion "Some locks are letters".
This is Conclusion II.
All numbers are letters. ? All letters are words.
A + A ? A-type of Conclusion "All numbers are words".
Conclusion I is Converse of it.
The given statement can be shown by the following diagram :
Some rivers are hills + No hill is taxi = I + E = O = Some rivers are not taxis Hence II does not follow. Again, Since O-type statements can't be combined, neither I nor III follows. But the two form a complementary E- I pair, Hence either I or III follows.
All stones are rivers + All rivers are cars = A + A = A = All stones are cars ? conversion ? Some cars are stones (I) Hence II follows. All rivers are cars + Some cars are trains = I + A = No conclusion Hence II and consequently I do not follow.
Some books are trees + All tress are roads = I + A = I = Some books are roads (I) Hence II follows. Some books are trees + All roads are wheels = I + A = I = Some books are wheels ? conversion ? Some wheels are books (I) Hence I follows. All trees are roads + All roads are wheels = A + A = A = All trees are wheels ? conversion ? Some wheels are trees (I) Hence III follows.
All Majors are captains.
All Majors are Lieutenants.
All Majors are Soldiers.
(This is Conclusion III )
All captains are Soldiers.
(This is Conclusion IV ).
All Lieutenants are Soldiers.
All Painters are Soldiers.
No Painter is Captain.
The first premise is particular Affirmative (I- Type). The second premise is Universal Affirmative (A-Type).
We can align the premises by converting the first premise and changing their order. Thus,
X is poor ? Some poors are peons have a doctorate degree.
We know that,
A + I = No conclusion.
Both the Premises are Universal Affirmative (A-type). We can align the Premises by taking converse of any of the premises.
Some tall men are basketball players ? All basketball players are athletes.
I + A ?I - type of conclusion "Some tall men are athletes".
First premise is Particular Affirmative (I?type).
Second premise is Universal Affirmative (I-type).
Both the premises are already aligned. Thus,
Some doctors are teachers ? All teachers are counsellors.
We know that, I + A ? I-type conclusion.
Therefor, our derived conclusion would be:
"Some doctors are counsellors". Thus, only conclusion II follows.
Some women are politicians. ? All politicians are intelligents.
We know that,
I + A ?I?type Conclusion Thus, our derived Conclusion would be: "Some women are intelligent".
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