Ice is lighter than water hence the piece of ice always float on the water.
According to the rule of science, a cyclist uses the brakes suddenly he always bend down towards the forward direction.
There is no such type of custom, hence it may happen sometimes.
The existence of a tree is not possible without its roots.
There must be a speaker in any debate.
An election cannot be organised without candidates.
Sun rises in the East in the morning. If we go towards South direction in the morning, we face towards South and our left hand's position is on East direction. Hence, going towards Southwards Sun always appears rising from our left side.
A Race can be without Prize , Victory and Spectators. But Rivals should be there for a valid Race.
A mirror can have Retracts, Reveals the truth, Refracts and Distorts but it must have reflection quality.
A jail can be without a Jailer, Prisoners, lawyers and Bars. But a Jail must have a locks.
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