The statement implies that it will always rain in July.
The statement implies that all who are mountaineers climb but not necessarily all who climb are mountaineers.
The statement is in the form: when A (Red Riding Hood comes) then B (Big Bad Wolf is not far behind).
The statement does not imply that all hardy can climb Mount Sagarmatha, but whoever does is surely hardy.
The statement is of the type : when A (it is ripe) then B (mango rots).
The statement is of the type: when A (clouds go high) then B (they rain hail).
Malcolm is the only person returning to a social system that he has been away from for an extended period of time.
Since Mr. Anand fulfils all the conditions given, he will be selected.
Since Mr. Rohit does not satisfy all the given conditions (he is a science graduate and not commerce) but has 9 years work experience, his case will be referred to the managing director.
Mr. Sharma fulfills all the conditions given, and so he will be selected.
Miss Shashi does not fulfill all the conditions given, and therefore will not be selected.
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