'FORM' completes the first word as PLATFORM and begin the second.
Only one meaningful English word can be formed with NWTI is TWIN.
Only one meaningful word 'RUDE' can be formed by using letters from 'ERDU' .
Two meaningful word 'ROPE' and 'REPO' can be formed by using letters from 'EPRO' .
From letters C, A, G and L no meaningful word can be formed.
Second, fourth, fifth and eighth letters of the word
? Meaningful English word ? SIDE
Only three words can be formed PEAL, PALE, LEAP .
The name of the words bird is PEACOCK and the last letter is K. (PEACOCK)
The name of that vegetable would be 'PUMPKIN' and last letter of the word is N.
The statement is of the type 'if A then B, if not B then not A' where A is 'eat green vegetables' and B is 'do not need vitamin shots'.
The statement is of the type 'when A then B, when not B then not A' where A is 'eats aloo patty burger' and B is 'loses appetite.'
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