Only one meaning word 'RUDE' can be formed by using letters from 'ERDU'.
From letter O, I, T, N, only one meaningful word 'INTO' can be formed and last letter of this word is 'O'.
Meaningful order of words :
4. Jungle (Forest) ? 3. Timber ? 2. Pulp ? 5. Paper ? 1. Book
Meaningful order of words :
2. Vegetable ? 6. Cut ? 4. Prepare ? 3. Package ? 5. Store ? 1. Serve 1
Arrangement of words in a meaningful and ascending order :
1. Pages ? 4. Books ? 2. Book rack ? 5. Catalogue ? 3. Library
Meaningful order of words in ascending order :
e. Grandson ? d. Son ? b. Brother ? c. Father ? a. Grandfather
Meaningful order of the continents in ascending order of area :
(iv) Australia ? (iii) Europe ? (i) South America ? (v) North America ? (ii) Africa
Meaningful order in ascending order :
1. 0640 hours ? 3. 1335 hours ? 2. 1930 hours ? 4. 2000 hours
Meaningful order in ascending order :- 3. Requirements Analysis ? 2. Conceptual Modelling ? 4. Logical Modelling ? 6. Schema Refinement ? 5. Physical Model ? 1. Implementation
Meaningful order of words : (iii) Crime ? (i) Police ? (iv) Judge ? (v) Judgement ? (ii) Punishment
Meaningful order of words :- 2. Cotton ? 4. Thread ? 1. Weaving ? 3. Cloth
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