In all pairs expert (b) , second is the sound made by first.
In all pairs expert (a) , both the word belong to thr same class.
In all pairs expert (C), first is known as the collection of secondA
In all pairs except (a), first is the ore from which metal can be obtained and second in the name of that metal which can be obtained . On the other hand , Solder is an alloy.
In all pairs except (d), first is used to contain the second.
Artist is just a part of a troupe.
In all pairs expert (a) ,first is a type of second.
All expert ( b) are antonym pairs
In all pairs except (d), first is the founder of second.
In all other except (b), second is the organ used by first for its movement.
In all other groups, there is a gap of one letters as in the alphabet between first and third letters.
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