In all other numbers, the sum of the first two digits is equal to the third digit.
Except 28*, all others are multiples of 3.
Except 210, all other are square of some numbers.
The Except 64-73 all are having difference of 11.
As, 13 + 7 = 20 ? 20 +7 = 27
Similarly, 18 + 7 = 25 ? 25 + 7 = 32
Except '14, 11 , 13', all remaining options having only even numbers.
Except 44, all are prime numbers.
Only 729 is a perfect cube.
Except 124, all other numbers are multiples of 3.
All except 18 are square of natural numbers.
(5)2 = 25, (3)3 = 9, (4)2 = 16.
Except 267 , all other numbers are one lass than the square of a certain number
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