Except 28*, all others are multiples of 3.
Except 210, all other are square of some numbers.
The Except 64-73 all are having difference of 11.
As, 13 + 7 = 20 ? 20 +7 = 27
Similarly, 18 + 7 = 25 ? 25 + 7 = 32
Except '14, 11 , 13', all remaining options having only even numbers.
In all others, middle number is the sum of other two numbers.
In all other numbers, the sum of the first two digits is equal to the third digit.
Except 44, all are prime numbers.
Only 729 is a perfect cube.
Except 124, all other numbers are multiples of 3.
All except 18 are square of natural numbers.
(5)2 = 25, (3)3 = 9, (4)2 = 16.
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