In all other groups of letters, there is a gap of one letters between second and third letters as in the alphabet
Except OLTF, none of the groups of letters has any vowel.
In all other groups, there is a gap of one letters as in the alphabet between second first and fourth letters.
In all other groups, there is a gap of one letters as in the alphabet between second and third letters.
In all other groups, there is a gap of one letters as in the originaly alphabet between second and fourth letters.
In all other groups, the third and first letters are in alphabetical order
In all other groups, first and third letters are quidistant from the middle letters as in the original alphabet.
In all other groups, third and fourth letters are consecutive alphabet.
In all other groups, there is a gap of one letter between first and second letters as in the alphabet.
In all other groups, there is a gap of one letter between second and third letters as in the alphabet
In all other groups, there is a gap of two letters between second and third letters as in the alphabet.
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