After rearranging the given word ESTR , we can form only one word.
Required word = REST
After rearranging the given word ONDE , we can form two words.
Required word = NODE, DONE
Required words = DRAW and WARD
Original word, V E R T I C A L
Alphabetically, A C E I L R T V
There is no letter which will remain at the same position
In the first step one letter from the beginning and one letter from the end of the term is removed to give the next term. in the second step two letters from the beginning of a term are removed. These two steps are repeated alternatively and thus the missing term is UTI.
Each tern of the series is obtained by removing two letters from the preceding term - one from the beginning and one from the the end. So, the missing term is PENDICU.
After rearranging the given word ALEP , we can form three words.
Required word = PLEA, PALE, PEAL
After rearranging the given word KEAB , we can form two words.
Required word = BEAK, BAKE
After rearranging the given word EOPR , we can form two words.
Required words = PORE, ROPE
After rearranging the given word TEAR , we can form three words.
Required word = ARE, ATE, ART
5th letter to the left of M in the backward order
= 5th letter to the right of M in forward order
= 5th letter after M in the forward order
= (13 + 5 )th letter in the forward order
= 18th letter in the forward order = R
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