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  • Question
  • What will be the out of the following program?
    class CuriousTabBase
        int x, y; 
        CuriousTabBase(int xx = 0, int yy = 0)
            x = xx;
            y = yy; 
        void Show()
            cout<< x * this->y << endl;
    class CuriousTabDerived
            CuriousTabBase objBase; 
        CuriousTabDerived(int xx, int yy) : objBase(xx, yy)
        { }
    int main()
        CuriousTabDerived objDev(10, 20); 
        return 0;

  • Options
  • A. 0
  • B. 100
  • C. 200
  • D. 400
  • E. The program will report compile time error.

  • Correct Answer
  • 200 

  • Constructors and Destructors problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      class CuriousTab
          int x, y; 
                  x = 0;
                  y = 0; 
              CuriousTab(int xx, int yy)
                  x = xx;
                  y = yy; 
              CuriousTab(CuriousTab *objB)
                  x = objB->x;
                  y = objB->y; 
              void Display()
                  cout<< x << " " << y;
      int main()
          CuriousTab objCuriousTab( new CuriousTab(20, 40) );
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 0 0 .
    • B. The program will print the output 20 40 .
    • C. The program will print the output Garbage Garbage .
    • D. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 2. What will be the output of the following program?
      class CuriousTabBase
              cout<< "Base OK. "; 
          virtual ~CuriousTabBase()
              cout<< "Base DEL. "; 
      class CuriousTabDerived: public CuriousTabBase
              cout<< "Derived OK. "; 
              cout<< "Derived DEL. "; 
      int main()
          CuriousTabBase *basePtr = new CuriousTabDerived();
          delete basePtr;
          return 0;

    • Options
    • A. Base OK. Derived OK.
    • B. Base OK. Derived OK. Base DEL.
    • C. Base OK. Derived OK. Derived DEL.
    • D. Base OK. Derived OK. Derived DEL. Base DEL.
    • E. Base OK. Derived OK. Base DEL. Derived DEL.
    • Discuss
    • 3. What will be the output of the following program?
      class CuriousTab
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTab(int xx)
              x = ++xx;
              cout<< x - 1 << " ";
          void Display()
              cout<< --x + 1 << " ";
      int main()
          CuriousTab objCuriousTab(5);
          int *p = (int*) &objCuriousTab;
          *p = 40;
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. 6 6 4
    • B. 6 6 5
    • C. 5 40 38
    • D. 6 40 38
    • E. 6 40 39
    • Discuss
    • 4. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      class CuriousTab
          int x; 
                 x = 0;
              CuriousTab(int xx)
                  x = xx; 
              CuriousTab(CuriousTab &objB)
                  x = objB.x; 
              void Display()
                  cout<< x << " ";
      int main()
          CuriousTab objA(25);
          CuriousTab objB(objA);
          CuriousTab objC = objA;
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 25 25 25 .
    • B. The program will print the output 25 Garbage 25 .
    • C. The program will print the output Garbage 25 25 .
    • D. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 5. What will be the out of the following program?
      class CuriousTabBase
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTabBase(int xx = 0, int yy = 0)
              x = xx;
              y = yy; 
      class CuriousTabDerived : public CuriousTabBase
              CuriousTabBase objBase; 
          CuriousTabDerived(int xx, int yy) : CuriousTabBase(xx), objBase(yy)
              cout << x          << " " 
                   << this->x    << " "  
                   << CuriousTabBase::x << " "     
                   << this->objBase.x ;
          { }
      int main()
          CuriousTabDerived objDev(11, 22); 
          return 0;

    • Options
    • A. 11 22 0 0
    • B. 11 11 0 22
    • C. 11 11 11 0
    • D. 11 11 11 22
    • E. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 6. Which of the following constructor is used in the program given below?
      class CuriousTab
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTab(int xx = 10, int yy = 20 )
              x = xx; 
              y = yy;
          void Display()
              cout<< x << " " << y << endl;
          { } 
      int main()
          CuriousTab objCuriousTab; 
          return 0;

    • Options
    • A. Copy constructor
    • B. Simple constructor
    • C. Non-parameterized constructor
    • D. Default constructor
    • Discuss
    • 7. What is the technical word for the function ~CuriousTab() defined in the following program?
      class CuriousTab
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTab(int xx = 10, int yy = 20 )
              x = xx; 
              y = yy;
          void Display()
              cout<< x << " " << y << endl;
          { } 
      int main()
          CuriousTab objCuriousTab; 
          return 0;

    • Options
    • A. Constructor
    • B. Destructor
    • C. Default Destructor
    • D. Function Template
    • Discuss
    • 8. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      static int Result;
      class India
          void Change(int x = 10, int y = 20, int z = 30)
              cout<< x + y + z;
          void Display(int x = 40, float y = 50.00)
              Result = x % x; 
              cout<< Result;
      class CuriousTab
          int x, y; 
          void Change(int x, int y = 50)
              cout<< x + y;
      class CuriousTab: public India, public CuriousTab
          void Display(int x = 10, int xx = 100, int xxx = 1000)
              Result = x + xx % x * x;
              cout<< Result ; 
      int main()
          CuriousTab objCuriousTab;
          objCuriousTab.India::Display(10, 20.00);
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 0.
    • B. The program will print the output 10.
    • C. The program will print the output 30.
    • D. The program will print the output 40.
    • E. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 9. What will be the output of the following program?
      class CuriousTabSample
              int   a; 
              float b;
              void CuriousTabFunction(int a, float b, float c = 100.0f)
                  cout<< a % 20 + c * --b;
      int main()
      {   CuriousTabSample objCuriousTab;
          objCuriousTab.CuriousTabFunction(20, 2.000000f, 5.0f);
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. 0
    • B. 5
    • C. 100
    • D. -5
    • E. None of these
    • Discuss
    • 10. What will be the output of the following program?
      class CuriousTab
          int x, y;
          CuriousTab(int xx = 10, int yy = 20)
              x = xx;
              y = yy; 
          void Exchange(int *, int *);
      int main()
          CuriousTab objA(30, 40); 
          CuriousTab objB(50); 
          objA.Exchange(&objA.x, &objB.y); 
          cout<< objA.x << " " << objB.y << endl; 
          return 0;
      void CuriousTab::Exchange(int *x, int *y)
          int t;
          t  = *x;
          *x = *y;
          *y = t ; 

    • Options
    • A. 20 10
    • B. 30 20
    • C. 20 30
    • D. 30 40
    • E. 50 30
    • Discuss


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