What is the main advantage of using MOSFET rather than bipolar transistor circuitary in ICs?
A. much greater complexity (more components) than bipolar circuits : better economy
B. higher operating speed than bipolar circuits
C. fewer power supply connections are required with MOS ICs
D. system designers are more familiar with MOS circuitary
Correct Answer
much greater complexity (more components) than bipolar circuits : better economy
Digital Computer Electronics problems
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1. The two basic technologies for digital ICs are bipolar and MOS. Bipolar technology is preferred for_____ and _____ whereas MOS technology is better suited to LSI.
9. A shift register moves the _____ left or right. Serial loading means storing a word in a shift register by entering _____ bit per clock pulse. With parallel or broadside loading, it takes only one _____ pulse to load the input word.