Reason (R): PIN diode has very high resistance when reverse biased and very low resistance when forward biased.
The effective/width of depletion layer increases by the width of i layer. It can be used as a voltage controlled attenuator.
At high frequencies the rectification effect ceases and impedance of diode is effectively that of i layer.
This impedance varies with the applied bias. It is used in high frequency switching circuits, limiters, modulators etc.
Microwave frequency measurement is done by slotted line, resonant cavities and transfer oscillator.
Microwave power measurement uses bolometers and micromave power meters.
A self balancing bridge working on the principle of power substitution is commomly used.
Microwave impedance measurement is done by measurement of reflection coefficient and VSWR.
A slotted line and probe is a basic tool for these measurements.' Network analyser enables rapid impedance measurement over a broad frequency range.
These enclosures are called cavity resonators.
Reason (R): SWR and reflection coefficient depend on the characteristic impedance and load impedance.
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